This event has now passed, please view our Forthcoming Events page for a full listing of future events.

Leadership for the Greater Good: Co-creating a global framework of leadership for flourishing

A day to explore the latest research into what it means to be a good leader, with a focus on enabling people to flourish and thrive whatever the context. We will also work together to build frameworks that support leadership for the greater good and flourishing.

Hear Dr Edward Brooks, Executive Director of the Oxford Character Project, Oxford University; Dr Matthew Lee, Director of Empirical Research at the Human Flourishing Program, Harvard University; Sir Anthony Seldon, former University Vice-Chancellor, educationalist and contemporary historian, and others speak about their research and experience.

Places are limited, so we encourage you to register either to join us in person at Worcester College, Oxford, or online, as soon as possible.

The day will:

  1. Challenge current leadership practices
  2. Explore practical ideas to develop character, wisdom and good leadership
  3. Provide a forum to meet and hear from respected experts on leadership and flourishing
  4. Connect leaders from across a range of contexts and organisations who are committed to supporting their people to grow as leaders and to thrive as leaders
  5. Contribute to a global conversation on the development of a framework for leadership for the greater good that enables flourishing

Attending in person – Worcester College, Oxford
Attending online – All talks will be live streamed and available after the conference for online attendees


Attending In person: 
Full delegate fees are early bird offer to 1st April £180 (including VAT), then £250 and include:

  • Attendance at all sessions and wellbeing activities
  • Refreshments and lunch
  • An optional guided tour of Oxford
  • Please note that the delegate fee does not include any travel and accommodation costs

Attending Online:
All talks will be live streamed and available after the conference for online attendees. Online participants will also be hosted and will have the opportunity to join Zoom breakout rooms and collaborate with other online participants from around the world.
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