"The admissions process at all entry points has been carefully designed to identify the academic potential of all candidates, as well as allowing them to show us their character, passions and interests."
Phil Mann
We are looking for boys and girls with real potential to become intellectual, inspired and independent learners. We want them to have the desire and ability to contribute broadly across the co-curriculum so they can develop fully as individuals. Successful candidates will also possess the personality and character for life in a busy boarding environment by showing traits such as independence, resilience and inclusivity.
13+ Entry
At 13+ entry, the decision-making process takes into consideration scores from the ISEB Common Pretest, information detailed on references, and also performance on the assessment days, both in interview and in a variety of different ‘lessons’.
16+ Entry
For 16+ entry, we initially use personal statements and school reports to select long-listed candidates. For those pupils invited to an assessment day, offers of places are based on a combination of examination scores, interview, and performance in Harkness discussion groups as well as information detailed on references.
Community Connections
We also consider, as part of the selection process, any connections which boys and girls may have with the Wellington Community such as being siblings of current pupils or the children of Old Wellingtonians. Although this does not guarantee the offer of a place at the College, we will always strive to look favourably upon children who have Wellington connections if we feel that they meet our minimum entry criteria and are therefore likely to thrive and be happy at the College.