University Destinations
In 2022, 93% of our Upper Sixth candidates secured places at their first or second choice university, and 16 took up places at Oxford or Cambridge, with a further 19 going to the US. In 2022, the most popular universities for departing pupils were:
- Bristol (23)
- Exeter (22)
- Durham (20)
- Bath (18)
- Edinburgh (14)
- King’s College, London (11)
- London School of Economics (10)
- Oxford (9)
US universities at which Wellingtonians were offered places last year: Harvard, Yale, Cornell, University of Chicago, Columbia, NYU, Berkeley, Virginia and UCLA amongst many others.
With well over two hundred Wellingtonians going on to university every year, the range of courses to be studied is extremely broad. Amongst the most popular are traditional courses such as Economics, Politics, Philosophy, International Relations, History, Business and Finance, Medicine, Engineering, Modern Languages and various science-based degrees such as Biochemistry or Natural Sciences. Other leavers have also gone on to study courses such as Photography, Criminology, Fashion, and Music.