Wellington College has been shortlisted for ‘Outstanding School Drama Department’ in the Music & Drama Education Awards 2024.  The award recognises exemplary departments who go above and beyond in the pursuit of excellence in drama provision. 

In Wellington’s entry, we highlighted the wide range of drama opportunities available to pupils at College as well as our strong focus on inclusivity and student voice.  One way this is demonstrated is through the Scholars Programme which students can apply for at the end of Third Form.  The selected drama scholars play an important role in the day-to-day running of the drama department, acting as a bridge between staff and the student body and providing feedback through meetings, questionnaires and surveys. They also take leadership roles in the Drama Society and Wellington’s ‘Drama Inspire Days’.  

At the end of Lower Sixth, each scholar can apply to be one of two Upper Sixth Drama Prefects who are encouraged to bring fresh ideas to the department. Last year’s prefects created a black-tie awards event (renamed the ‘WellingTonys’ this year) which was entirely student-run and included skits, quizzes and performances.  Last academic year, the prefects initiated a Contemporary Monologue event to complement the classical monologues already taught at College.  They also host ‘The Limelight’, informative Q&As where high-profile actors and directors come onto campus to talk about their journey into the industry.

We are delighted that the judges were impressed by our approach to drama which deliberately steers clear of being directive and ‘top down’.  As a result, Wellington pupils are extremely committed to the subject with 240 students across the school taking LAMDA classes and half of Third Form students electing to study drama. Our vision extends beyond campus to the local community and, this year, Wellington is developing its outreach programme to include a drama club for local children. We have future plans to develop a programme of ‘Reminiscence Care’ in care homes where drama students will use their creative skills to encourage residents to talk about their memories.

The winner will be revealed at a black-tie awards ceremony on 22nd February 2024 at the London Marriott Hotel, Grosvenor Square.

Find out more about drama at Wellington College