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We are delighted to be able to offer a series of three talks provided by Janey Downshire and Naella Grew from Teenagers Translated on the topic of supporting positive mental well-being in your children to both Wellington and locally invited school parents.
Janey has spoken at Wellington on a number of occasions and we ran this talk last academic year and parental feedback has always been extremely positive. Her three talks will provide the information and understanding to enable parents to provide important positive and proactive support to their teenage child as the necessary building blocks for good mental health and to enable them to lead flourishing and thriving lives.
The talks are part of a series which build from week to week and therefore we ask that you commit to attending all three in the series.
If you have any queries about the course please contact Dinah Ford, SLT PA at
Young Minds stats make worrying reading. 1 in 10 children (age 5-16) have a diagnosable mental health illness, rising to 1 in 5 young people. 50% of these problems take root before age 15.
Teenagers Translated offer programmes that steer a course away from these problems by helping parents develop the practical tools necessary to foster good mental health in their family.
Teenagers Translated have a series of 3 Evening Talks (or Day Courses) for schools which promote a deeper understanding of the vital, positive & proactive role parents play in providing the building blocks which help to avoid dysfunctional issues from developing during childhood. 75% of adult mental health problems will start before age 18.
A Parent’s Survival Guide: promoting good teen mental health
Talk 1: 13th November 2018 7pm-9pm. Adolescence (from age 10) is a period of emotional flux, presenting parents with new challenges. This Talk will focus on what parents can expect from normal teenage behaviour and what points to more worrying signs. A better understanding of the changing teen brain provides parents with a good grounding for realising why behaviour changes and helps them develop practical and proactive ways to support their teenager to better manage day-to-day pressures, find ways to regulate their emotions & pave the way to good mental health.
Talk 2: 20th November 2018 7pm-9pm. Following Talk 1, this session will look at heightened anxiety as the root cause of dysfunctional issues like panic attacks, stress, depression, OCD, self-harming behaviours, disordered eating, binge drinking, addictive tendencies, over use and dependency on technology. The session will focus on how parents and home life can provide the conditions where pre-teen & teens can start to develop a secure sense of self and develop strategies which regulate their emotions in healthy ways, helping them to cope with stresses & build mental resilience.
Talk 3: 27th November 2018 7pm-9pm. Following Talks 1 & 2, this session looks at ways parents can more effectively deal with a wide range of problems and challenges face-to-face as they arise, maintaining a balanced relationship and keeping lines of communication open. The parent/child relationship, and home life itself, can enable a child to develop the capabilities, take responsibility, manage the inevitable ups and downs and become a fully rounded autonomous adult.
Driver Lecture Room
Wellington and locally invited school parents
A limited number of places are available and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
The course costs £35 which includes attendance to all three talks, light arrival refreshments and a copy of Janey and Naella’s book ‘Teenagers Translated’.