“A global citizen is someone who is aware of and understands the wider world – and their place in it. They take an active role in their community and work with others to make our planet more peaceful, sustainable and fairer.”

Monday 20 June marked this year’s Global Citizenship Day at Wellington College. The theme for the event was World Refugee Day & the work of the Peace and Conflict Institute.

Throughout the day pupils learnt the difference between a refugee, migrant and asylum seeker, about unconscious bias led by the WCPCI student team, reflected on refugees’ stories and developed an understanding of the UK asylum system and the UK Rwanda proposal.

A highlight of the day is the keynote speech from Clare Moseley, founder of Care4Calais a charity 28 WCPCI pupils volunteered for in 2019.

Clare spoke passionately about her personal journey and shared stories of refugees she works with. Clare encouraged pupils to question and think about the situation for themselves and offered ways of being upstanders, not bystanders.

Third former Theo B-C said “it was a really interesting day and I liked the different perspectives we got from the various talks we had”,  while L Sixth former Dan H enjoyed “discovering far more about the Refugee crisis – the individual stories we heard made me see things really differently.”

Thanks to WCPCI for a thoughtful and thought provoking event.

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