Sebastian Faulks Building

The wood-cladded Sebastian Faulks building, named after the renowned author and former Wellington pupil, houses 19 classrooms over 2 floors.

Wellesley Maths Block

Renovated in 2018, the Wellesley Maths block, housing 12 classrooms, borders an artistically designed outdoors quad themed on the mathematical symbol of Pi.

Modern Foreign Languages Centre

The glass fronted Modern Foreign Languages Centre comprises 11 spacious classrooms over 2 floors, connected by an open stairway.

Queen’s Court

The iconic early 70’s building known as Queen’s Court is the College’s hub of Humanities teaching comprises 25 classrooms across 2 blocks bridged by a first-floor walkway.

The Mandarin Centre

The Mandarin Centre, a charming pagoda-inspired building, houses 3 classrooms opening onto an enchanting central courtyard and Chinese water garden feature.

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