Offering an array of exciting and characterful venue spaces to suit your needs, the College accommodates a broad range of musical and performing arts events, from small to large scale, from orchestral and choral rehearsals, public performances, dance festivals, through to residential master classes, rehearsal residencies and educational events.

Venues include the architecturally acclaimed and state-or-the-art G.W. Annenberg Performing Arts Centre (for non-ticketed events), the 346-seater Christopher Lee Theatre, a suite of charming spaces in the Music School for rehearsal space and small concerts, teaching and practice, and more besides.

Should your event require a catering or hospitality element, we offer a broad selection of traditional and contemporary menu options, from light refreshments, daily counter breakfast / lunch / dinner, through to fine dining across a variety of venue choices.

  • Plenty of free parking space for cars and coaches
  • Complimentary Wi-fi access
  • A/V expertise and technology solutions

Visit the pages below for more details, including room capacities, layouts, and facilities.

"The Duet Philharmonic Orchestra has enjoyed a long and fruitful association with Wellington College. As a unique Youth Orchestra masterminded by the Duet Group, 150 or more young musicians make Wellington their home during the Easter vacation to prepare a mammoth performance leading to its climax at the Royal Festival Hall. Such an undertaking requires immense organisation, resource and commitment and our partnership with Wellington has always been excellent. Everything is meticulously planned, and our facilities rental goes far beyond the simple provision of services. Managing performance and rehearsal space and equipment, accommodation, all meals, leisure facilities and broader hospitality and business needs is no mean feat, and the Wellington College team are the very best at supporting our needs. The facilities themselves are, of course, second to none and this combined with the location, infrastructure, logistics expertise, flexibility and attention to detail mean that we never need to look elsewhere to meet our requirements. Nothing is ever too much trouble and their ‘can do’ attitude and professionalism at all times is refreshing."

Duet Group

"Crowthorne Symphony Orchestra (CSO) have been working with the Events team at Wellington College for several years to schedule and host our 3 main concerts during the season at the Old Gym. The team are always willing to help find suitable dates which match with the College term diary and our rehearsal schedule. Any challenge we raise, the team they always find a way of helping or guidance around what we can do. CSO look forward to continuing to work with the Events team in the future for our concerts."

Crowthorne Symphony Orchestra

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